/Amazon Advertising

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John Farrell


Propaganda have supported our organisation on multiple projects in both creative and technical capacities. One example was where they successfully developed a website with a ci for our company. Propaganda Solutions are a group of professionals who are focused on results and they make the process simple

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What is Amazon Advertising?

Amazon Advertising involves creating and managing ads on the Amazon platform, targeting its vast customer base. It includes sponsored product ads, brand ads, and display ads to enhance product visibility and drive sales.

Our Approach to Amazon Advertising

Focus on optimizing product listings, using precise keyword targeting, and creating compelling ads. Analyze performance data to refine strategies, ensuring the ads reach and engage potential customers effectively.

Services we provide:

Improvement Facts

Amazon Advertising strategies

Amazon Advertising can increase product sales by up to 100%, making it a highly effective platform for reaching and converting a large and diverse customer base.

About Service

Our Amazon Advertising service tailors campaigns to enhance your product visibility on Amazon, using strategic ads to connect with a vast audience and increase sales opportunities.

The process of Amazon Advertising:


Account Setup

Establish and configure your Amazon Advertising account.


Product Listing Optimization

Ensure listings are accurate, detailed, and SEO-friendly.


Keyword Research

Identify and target relevant keywords for your products.


Ad Campaign Creation

Design and launch various types of Amazon ads.


Budget Management

Allocate and manage the advertising budget for optimal ROI.


Performance Monitoring

Regularly track and analyze ad performance.


Ongoing Optimization

Continuously refine ads based on data insights.


Reporting and Insights

Provide detailed performance reports for informed decision-making.

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